His areas of research interest include the development of biomedical and environmental applications, regenerative nanomedicine (drug delivery systems, patch design and development, and tissue engineering), development of self-healing and antimicrobial surfaces, prosthetic engineering, and development of production and storage systems energy. He has published 56 articles in peer-reviewed international journals, 3 book chapters, edited a book edition, and 3 articles in peer-reviewed conference proceedings, as well as 2 laboratory guides. To date it has received 2340 citations, with an h-index of 28 (Scopus 06/2022) and 2920 citations, with an h-index of 30 (Google Scholar 06/2022). He has presented 4 invited talks, while his papers have been presented at more than 60 international conferences. He also participates as an article reviewer, guest editor and editorial board member in high-profile international scientific journals. Finally, since 2017 he is a certified evaluator of research proposals of the General Secretariat of Research and Technology of Greece and a founding member of the Minoan Energy Community.

Minas Stylianakis
Minas Stylianakis is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Nursing at the Hellenic Mediterranean University (ELMEPA). Since July 2020 he is a member of the Hybrid Nanostructures research group at the Institute of Electronic Structure & Lasers of ITE. He holds a PhD in Chemistry (2015), from the Chemistry Department of the University of Crete. He has extensive experience in the synthesis, dispersion and characterization of innovative carbon nanostructures and graphene derivatives, other 2D materials, metal oxides and organic derivatives (small molecules and polymers).